Monday 22 September 2014

He's gone

He’s gone,
You’re sad,
I get that.
He left because he doesn’t want to be a part of your life anymore,
I understand.
You need to fill that hole he left in your chest when he acted like it was a wall and punched through it when he got mad.
I want you to break your bones back into place,
I know you broke them all when you fell for him.
Stop thinking about him kissing you,
Replace that taste on your tongue with something much sweeter than he ever was.
I know school didn’t teach you to stop loving someone and how to cope with life when someone leaves,
But you can battle through this.
Right now,
You’re probably numb.
Every morning you wake up and think about him,
I know,
I’ve been there,
Eventually you won’t think about him all the time,
Memories fade,
One day you’ll wake up and stop torturing yourself with the thought of him.
When you realise you haven’t thought about him for a while you will smile,
You will learn to love and be happy again.
You will be mended.
I want you to stay strong,
Don’t give up,
Do what you have to do to fix this.
Stop making 11:11 wishes for him to come back,
He’s not going to.”

Thursday 4 September 2014

Teachers day 2014

To sum up teachers day was really awesome , i was in the main com so i had alots to do . Mediacrop stars came and got us all excited for the event . 

Today ended off well and i have nothing much to say . 

here are the photos of today : 

my fav bunch of girls . 

with the shortie again

with the two seniors . 

Friday 29 August 2014

Have you ever ...

Have you ever ask yourself why things happen ? Why they happen all at once and everything pile up like a moutain . 

Have you ever wonder why do they leave at a time like this ? Why they left without any reason and leave u hanging there ; helplessly . 

Have you ever dreamt about things that you know will never , ever happen ? Why do we even have such thoughts?  

We have so much questions . Yet, the only way to find the answers is to search deep within ourself . Its hard to find something that is burried over all the pain and unhappiness that you kept in your heart . It was never easy trying to change or delete those emotions and pain . 

" Your the main character of your own story , You control the pages and the Chapters " . Each chapters tells a story , a story never known to others but only to ones' self . 

" i've lost the moon while counting the stars "

Sometimes i have thoughts of giving up , my friends never know what i am thinking , they never know what i will do . But some how it was always those closest to me that made me say things i never wanted . Someone told me i was strong , that i am always so happy and positive . I wish i am like this , but sadly ; i am the opposite . The outer character shows people what i want them to see . However , the inner character are only seen by my family or my close friends ( 1-2 of them ) . 

They said those who canportray different kind of characters are those who are strong , a strong will power and a strong personality. Don't anyone felt this way too ?

I ain't no super-hero . 

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Outward Bound Singapore

On 29 july -2nd August 

I when for my OBS camp. It was the best camp i ever been to . I would rather stay there then to come back to Singapore. I would rather be with my watch then to go back to school . I would rather get bitten by more sand flies then to come back and face reality . 

With my 35 other school mates

this was before OBS starts ( we are so white)

after OBS ( so unwilling to go home)

With my watch ; Columbus .
I miss them so much. It's been almost a month but it feels like months not seeing them. In fact ; i miss the times where we talk about almost everything , under the starry night sky , in a circle . Forgetting about all the worries we had back in singapore , Forgetting about the stress back in school. 

Saturday 23 August 2014


During the darkest period of lives , we all need to be conforted by friends or people around you. For that i am thankful fot each of my friends who put in effort to make me smile when i was so depress over matters which always make me so stresss out. You guys are the best and for that thank you so much. 

Tuesday 19 August 2014

What if i found someone new but fall asleep to the thought of you?

We all lose people in life . Those who left either gave up or forgotten . Those who stay through the tough times are meant to stay. However , Those who left , either with a reason or so. Left with unspoken words , leave without a trace 

" Some things are best to be left unspoken " 

I wish you never left my life , if only you stayed with me and love me for who i was . 

You saw the darkest parts of me and the brightest part that make me who i was . But Why Did You Leave Me now ? Why?

Why did you leave me hanging alone ?

Saturday 16 August 2014

" It will be alright " ; they said .

People just dont understand how you feel at times when you try to share your feelings with them.

 Even when you're hiding something , you hope they could help solve your problems without telling them in detiled.

Well, some times giving up always seem like the best choice ; in fact , it's the only choice . 

" Every thing will be okay soon " they said . 

But how soon will it be ? One day? One month? One year ? Or never ?

Let's just say that i wouldn't trust or believe what others say now , nor i will tell them what i feel exactly . They dont care when they act like they do. It's all total bullshit. 

My life is Bullshit